A person using smart home technology.

There is more than one way to have a smarter home. Incorporating the latest controls and smart devices is one way to go. But taking these steps with an eye toward sustainability can be an even better way to achieve your dream of a home that is both smarter and more comfortable, particularly in the fall.

The autumn season is the perfect time to make these changes happen. That’s because sustainable home systems can provide a whole range of benefits in the colder months ahead:

  • More efficient heating
  • Better distribution of indoor climate controls
  • More efficient lighting
  • Whole-home centralized controls
  • Other improvements in your smart home systems

1. Install the Latest Smart, Programmable Thermostats for Better Climate Control

There are many programmable thermostats on the market today, many of which provide additional insights into your energy usage. Some are elegant, with simple, streamlined digital controls and LED lighting that allows you to adjust them in the dark. Others are designed for users to geek out on all the information and capabilities they provide.

Here are just some of the things today’s smart thermostats can do for you:

  1. Learn your household temperature preferences
  2. Be operated from anywhere so to avoid unnecessarily heating
  3. Detect whether someone is home
  4. Automatically adjust for the rooms your family uses the most
  5. Be set up to stream music
  6. Provide detailed usage reports
  7. Be controlled through apps and other digital devices

Don’t forget to replace your filters regularly! Furthermore, installing a ceiling fan will help cool bedrooms and other key spaces come summer, lowering your AC usage. When you update your indoor climate control system, it will feel good to know you are also reducing your carbon footprint.

2. Adjust Your Temperature Settings for Optimal Savings

The temperature settings you select can have a significant impact on your energy consumption. The Department of Energy reports that “you can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting.” It goes on: “You can easily save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to around 68°F to 70°F while you’re awake and setting it lower while you’re asleep or away from home.”

3. Use Lutron, Ketra, and Other Efficient Lighting Sources

We need lighting to do just about any household activity. And considering that much of electricity is still powered by fossil fuels, upgrading your lighting to more modern, efficient products can help households take a big step toward a more sustainable future. Lighting technology has evolved to greatly reduce that problem. Energy Saver reports that residential LEDs use 75% less energy than traditional lights and last up to 25 times longer, as well.

Are you concerned about the appearance of sustainable light sources? Ketra lighting by Lumen is designed to adjust naturally to outdoor lighting so that the color shifts throughout the day. That way you’re not stuck with the same unnaturally bright light while working at your home office or entertaining in the dining room this winter. 

Meanwhile, increasingly sophisticated dimmers and smart controls will make it even easier to set the right tone in each space of your home, illuminating only what you need. In fact, adding dimmers throughout your home is a great way to simultaneously cut down on your electricity bills while improving the ambience of any space.

Discuss Environmental Options with a Smart Home Expert

People will be spending more time at home here in the Midwest as temperatures start to drop, making fall the ideal opportunity to take a look around and decide what else can be done to improve your living spaces. A smart home expert at MediaTech can discuss the most sustainable and aesthetically pleasing options on the market, then figure out what other possibilities are available to improve your home’s efficiency and help you live in style.

Lighting is just one service we provide at MediaTech. Visit us online or call us at 630.444.0011 to find out what other improvements we can help you make today.

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